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Joint Engagement Forum (JEF) – November 2017

Joint Engagement Forum (JEF) meeting held on 28th November 2017

Summary of this quarters meeting

This quarter the JEF discussions included:

Adult Social Care Vision

Devon County Council’s Vision for Adult Social Care and Health

The meeting heard:

  • DCC’s last social care vision had been published in 2013
  • Much of the previous vision still applies.
  • The title has changed to Adult Care and Health.
  • There is an increased understanding of the benefits of independence and its importance to people.
  • There is an increased understanding of what promotes independence.
  • Devon County Council has since adopted a Leadership Charter with an emphasis on empowerment for staff which is reflected as empowerment for individuals and communities.
  • Recognising what good looks like in practice, the four key areas and what they mean: Connected – People who have rewarding relationships and involvement with others in their social networks and communities. Informed – People who know where they can get help and support when need it. Secure – People who feel safe and confident so that they can make the choices they want about how they live.  Independent – People who can lead lives that are as independent and fulfilling as possible, through being Connected, Informed and Secure.

How we will achieve this vision?

We aim for all our staff to work together to empower people, and to be ambitious about all our futures.

Vision Priorities – Doing What Matters Most

Things that we will focus on improving, in order to achieve the Vision for all adults in Devon.

Local Engagement Round-up

A presentation covering the last quarter’s engagement activities and forthcoming ones…

Testing DCC’s Pinpoint website:

Pinpoint is the online directory of community services in Devon. Workshops have been with older people and parents of young children. The groups tested the website and fed back on their experience of using it.

Learning Disability Partnership Board:

At the September meeting the Partnership Board received 3 updates on the LG 15 action plan:

DCC’s Customer Relations Team were making information on complaints and representations (and compliments) more accessible.

DCC Public Health’s One Small Step website is being made more learning disability friendly.

Health Screening – is being made more accessible for people with learning disabilities, including a national database where people can register any reasonable adjustments, such as needing easy read letters.

At the November meeting the following was discussed:

Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP).

Head of Communications for DCC had advised the Partnership on how they communicate and involve people and other organisations in the own work of the Board, helping develop a communication P.A.T.H. (plan) which they will start work on early next year.

Friendship Groups – a small task and finish group is developing a model for friendship groups. The friendship group project is part of DCC’s Transforming Care Plan.

New LD-friendly website progress.

Devon County Council Strategic Plan

12 -14 Service User’s looked at the overall DCC Strategic Plan (as distinct from just Adult Care and Health) to discuss that matters to them as residents of Devon.

Testing DCCs Adult Care and Health Web pages

How a focus group tested homepage and adult care landing pages for user-friendliness

Re-procurement of Children’s Services

Involvement in this joint NHS and social care re-commissioning.

Carers Survey

Focus groups to discuss the local results of the Department of Health’s biannual national Carers’ Survey

Other brief updates were presented from:

  • Devon Safeguarding Adults Community Reference Group
  • Autism Involvement Group
  • Reshaping Personal Care Group (RSPC)
  • Commissioning Involvement Group
  • Equality Reference Group
  • In-house disability engagement

Health and Wellbeing Board

JEF members were asked for issues to feed into the next Board discussion
