Lloyds Bank Foundation

Lloyds Bank Foundation provides funding for small and medium-sized charities that support people dealing with complex social issues. Grants are primarily to support core costs for up to two years and the foundation expects the charities to make a difference to people’s lives through direct support for individuals.

To be eligible, applicants need to be supporting people from specific minoritised communities to overcome particular Complex Social Issues. Based on the current regional priorities for the fund, organisations in Devon can seek funding to support the following groups of people and issues:

  • Care leavers
  • Young parents
  • Offending, prison or community service
  • Trafficking and modern slavery
  • Learning disabilities
  • Homeless and vulnerably housed

Applications will be accepted from charities or Charitable Incorporated Organisations that are registered with the Charity Commission and that have been delivering direct services to vulnerable people for at least one year. Successful applicants will receive two-year unrestricted grants of £50,000 and support to access a wide range of organisational development support to help meet identified needs.

In addition, 25% of funding is ringfenced for charities led by, and which support, minoritised and racialised communities: small and local charities that are led by and for members of Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic communities can apply for two-year unrestricted grants of £50,000.

Focus of fund/fund aims:

Grants for small registered charities that are providing direct support to help people to overcome complex social issues

Application deadline:

Applications may be submitted at any time

Fund description:
