Devon District Councils: funding advice and grants

Most of the District Councils in Devon offer assistance to local community groups seeking funding as well as providing various grants. Each District uses its own funds together with contributions from other sources including government, Devon County Council and developers to offer grants to local groups such as sports clubs, village halls and other voluntary organisations, town and parish councils, and charities. Grants include:

Town and Parish (TAP) Fund – towns, parishes and community groups working together can apply for TAP funds to respond to local issues. Find out more about the TAP fund

Section 106 – not-for-profit community groups can access capital funding to provide facilities that are required as a result of new housing developments

New Homes Bonus – funding from Government to support community infrastructure projects in communities where major development has taken place

Councillor grants – several District Councils offer grants via District Councillors who have a small budget to support local projects

Voluntary organisations should contact their District, Borough or City Council to find out what support is currently available in their area:

North Devon – a funding support service including a weekly funding bulletin and access to grants

Torridge – a range of support from the Community Development Team, including grants

West Devon – community grants and funding, including community projects grants

Mid Devon – grants and funding for not-for-profit organisations

South Hams – community grants and funding, including community infrastructure grants

Teignbridge – funding for community and voluntary groups

East Devon –  grants and funding, including community buildings grants and information on other sources of funding

Exeter – see separate DFN article on Exeter City Council grants

Focus of fund/fund aims:

Information on grants available from City, Borough and District Councils in Devon

Application deadline:

refer to each local Council

Fund description:

refer to the links above