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Guide: How to stand for election - information for candidates

Part 6

Ethics and Standards

Code of Conduct – The Localism Act 2011 requires Councils to adopt a Code of Conduct which deals with the conduct expected of its elected and co-opted members when they are acting in their official capacity. The Code of Conduct is also required to include appropriate provisions relating to the registration and disclosure of pecuniary and other interests.

Standards Committee – The County Council’s Standards Committee is a group of people appointed by the Council to help it maintain and promote high ethical standards. The Committee is made up of Councillors and co-opted members drawn from the community (who are not councillors or employees of the County Council).

Local Protocol – The County Council has adopted its own local protocol governing relations between councillors and professional officers. This can be found in the Council’s Constitution. However, a new Model Code of Conduct has been issued by the Local Government Association which will be considered for adoption in the new year (2021).

Monitoring Officer – The Council has a Monitoring Officer whose job it is to advise the Council and Councillors on questions of conduct and ethics. In the end however, each individual is responsible for the propriety of their own actions.

Further information is available about Standards, Ethics and Councillor Complaints.
