Transfer of public building or land

I would be most grateful if you would supply me with data under the Freedom of Information Act on the local authority’s transfer of each public building or land which provides, or has done so in the recent past, community, cultural or leisure amenity.
This includes any transfer since January 2007 of the ownership and/or management from the Local Authority to one of the following groups: A charity, community interest or industrial and provident society; Social enterprise; Private company; other public sector body, e.g. Parish council or other local authority; and any other body. Please note provision of the following information will be sufficient.
The details required include:
• Name of the building
• Address and postcode
• Function of the building (e.g. Library, Community centre, Sports facility, Youth centre, Theatre, Public convenience, Allotment, Sports field, Wildlife Garden, others, etc.)
• Name of the organisation taking on the asset
• Ongoing transfer details (Freehold, Leasehold, Agreement to use/licence, length of lease/licence, month/year of transfer)
• Indicate if transfer was undertaken through a policy of Community Asset Transfer
• Details of retracted transfers (if applicable).

Please find attached a spreadsheet showing buildings used to provide Community, cultural and/or leisure amenities that were transferred out of Devon County Council since 2009.  The spreadsheet can be seen via the link below:

Any further information can be obtained from the Land Registry. Their contact details can be found on their website at:

Due to the way information has been held, we have been unable to include information prior to 2009, as this would require significant individual review of files from our archives that two year period. Further, the information in the spreadsheet, does not include details of all the library, youth centre and children centre buildings which are leased or under occupancy agreement or transfers or leases to trust or academy schools as they would have been leased or transferred under statutory requirements. To provide this further information would have taken in excess of 18 hours. For example, there are in excess of 170 schools that have either transferred to academy, plus in the region of 50 libraries 31 children centres and 9 youth centres and to review the relevant information in relation to these 260 agreements at, say, 15 minutes each, would take 65 hours.

This further information is therefore exempt from disclosure pursuant to s.12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.