Trafficked and Victims of Modern Slavery

“Please release the following information relating to looked after children in the care of your authority for the period 1 January 2017 to 31st December 2017:

The total number of looked after children in the care of your authority that have been

a) Identified as having been trafficked or a victim of modern slavery – including, but not limited to those identified through the National Referral Mechanism. 

Devon County Council (DCC) is unable to provide these figures under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – ‘Personal Information’.  This is because the numbers are 5 or less meaning that release could lead to the identification of the individual(s) concerned which would breach the Data Protection Act principles. 

b) Suspected of having been a victim of trafficking or modern slavery[1], if not included in a.

Please see response to (a) above.

c) Identified as an unaccompanied asylum seeking child (UASC) or a separated child[2].

39 children as at 12 June 2018 (including children in care and care leavers).

The total number of looked after children in the care of your authority:

a) Identified or suspected as having been trafficked/victim of modern slavery and that have gone missing or absent.

Devon County Council (DCC) is unable to provide these figures under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – ‘Personal Information’.  This is because the numbers are 5 or less meaning that release could lead to the identification of the individual(s) concerned which would breach the Data Protection Act principles.

b) Identified as an UASC or separated child and that have gone missing or absent.

Devon County Council (DCC) is unable to provide these figures under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – ‘Personal Information’.  This is because the numbers are 5 or less meaning that release could lead to the identification of the individual(s) concerned which would breach the Data Protection Act principles.

The total number of individual incidents (which could involve the same child on more than one occasion) of looked after children in the care of your authority:

a) Identified or suspected as having been trafficked/victim of modern slavery and that have gone missing or absent.   

Devon County Council (DCC) is unable to provide these figures under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – ‘Personal Information’.  This is because the numbers are 5 or less meaning that release could lead to the identification of the individual(s) concerned which would breach the Data Protection Act principles.

b) Identified as an UASC or separated child and that have gone missing or absent. 

Devon County Council (DCC) is unable to provide these figures under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – ‘Personal Information’.  This is because the numbers are 5 or less meaning that release could lead to the identification of the individual(s) concerned which would breach the Data Protection Act principles.

The total number of looked after children in the care of your authority that are still missing or absent (including those that subsequently turned 18 without being found) that were identified or suspected as having been trafficked or identified as an UASC or separated child. 

Devon County Council (DCC) is unable to provide these figures under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – ‘Personal Information’.  This is because the numbers are 5 or less meaning that release could lead to the identification of the individual(s) concerned which would breach the Data Protection Act principles.

For ALL of the above please provide a breakdown of these numbers by gender and nationality of the child (e.g. British, Vietnamese, etc.) If identification is a concern due to small numbers involved please give the total figures and specify whether the child is British / an EU national / non EU national. For Q3 & Q4, please add the length of time the child was missing during each incident.

Breakdown of nationality and gender of unaccompanied asylum seekers

Devon County Council (DCC) is unable to provide these figures under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – ‘Personal Information’.  This is because the numbers are 5 or less meaning that release could lead to the identification of the individual(s) concerned which would breach the Data Protection Act principles.