Thorverton Arms Hunt

Please send me any and all applications, emails, correspondence and meeting notes or other material of any kind relating to the hunt which is organised to set off from the Thorverton Arms on 26th December. Specifically including any formal applications to hold an event of any kind, close off roads, parking or similar event associated activity and any discussions internally or externally by council officers connected to this hunt.

Further, any informal or casual contacts between council officers and anyone associated with the hunt or the police, discussing the hunt and any facilitation or concerns arising in connection to it.

We do not hold any information in relation to the Thorverton Arms hunt that took place on December 26th.

To identify, locate, retrieve and collate recorded information about informal or casual contacts between council officers and anyone associated with the hunt may mean contacting a range of different services and a number of officers. As we estimate this would take in excess of 18 hours we consider it to be exempt under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 12- Cost of Compliance.

If you were able to refine your request to a specific council service or in some other way we would be happy to process your request.