Street lighting

The total number of street lights for which your local authority had responsibility as of July 31 2017, or the nearest available date for 2017;

There were approximately 78381 lighting points on our system.

Of this total for 2017, how many were deliberately dimmed and/or switched off (please give both numbers if appropriate);

A total of 5980 are dusk to dawn  and Dimmed overnight.

A total of 45583 switch on at dusk but switched off for part of the night for 5 hours of more, depending on location.

A further 10498 are controlled remotely by DCC with approximately 4000 of those  switched off for part of the night for 5 hours of more, depending on location.

The total number of street lights for which your local authority had responsibility as of July 31 2016, or the nearest available date for 2016;

There were approximately 78009 lighting points on our system.

Of this total for 2016, how many were deliberately dimmed and/or switched off (please give both numbers if appropriate);

A total of 1533 are dusk to dawn  and Dimmed overnight.

A total of 44480 switch on at dusk but switched off for part of the night for 5 hours of more, depending on location.

A further 9496 are controlled remotely by DCC with approximately 3500 of those  switched off for part of the night for 5 hours of more, depending on location.

The total number of street lights for which your local authority had responsibility as of July 31 2015, or the nearest available date for 2015;

There were approximately 77719 lighting points on our system.

Of this total for 2015, how many were deliberately dimmed and/or switched off (please give both numbers if appropriate).

A total of 0 are dusk to dawn  and Dimmed overnight.

A total of 42451 switch on at dusk but switched off for part of the night for 5 hours of more, depending on location.

A further 5840 are controlled remotely by DCC with approximately 2000 of those  switched off for part of the night for 5 hours of more, depending on location