Social Care Consultation Strategy

Date of Request: 23/06/2015      

Date of Disclosure: 20/07/2015

Request and Devon County Council Response

Please see the Councils response in bold text;

1) A copy of your policy in relation to the Council’s statutory duty to consult when planning the closure of, or significant changes to, your social care services.

The considerations tab, within the Engaging Devon website, provides information on Engagement Considerations, including Acts & Guidance, and covers, amongst others, Best Value, the Local Government Act 1999 and the Equality Act 2010

2) A summary of the Council’s duty to consult (see example below).

In addition to the above response, the Government has provided clear legislation and guidance on this matter for local authorities, so DCC would not wish to duplicate this but make clear reference to it, under the considerations area within the Engaging Devon strategy.