Revenue from Chargeable Waste and Cost of Fly Tipping

“What is the revenue generated by chargeable waste at all recycling centres?

 The majority of the chargeable waste service is provided directly by the site contractor as a commercial service. Devon County Council (DCC) generated a revenue of £137,392.42 in 2016/17 which is used to offset the cost of the Recycling Centre service.

What is the cost of collection of fly tipped rubbish?

Please note that Devon County Council is not responsible for the collection of fly tipped rubbish and therefore does not hold the information requested.  This is a function of District and Unitary councils in Devon. Please contact them directly using the information on the links provided to obtain this information.

What is the cost of disposal of fly tipped rubbish?”  

Fly tipped waste separately identified at the waste disposal sites cost DCC (as the Waste Disposal Authority) £17,545.61 in 2016/17.