PV2 Assessments

Please provide all PV2 assessments for the pedestrian crossing locations in Braunton, Wrafton and Knowle including notes and methodology.

Please find attached the two PV2 assessments which are available. These are both for the same signal controlled puffin pedestrian crossing on the A361 Exeter Road to the south of its junction with South Street.  These can be seen via the link below:


The Devon County Council (DCC) methodology for undertaking these surveys is to manually record pedestrian and vehicle movements every 15 minutes over a continuous time period to identify the peak 4 hours with the greatest conflict between pedestrians and vehicles. The degree of conflict between pedestrians and vehicles is determined by PV2 where V is the 2-way total hourly flow of vehicles and P is the 2-way total hourly flow of pedestrians crossing the road. The average of the peak four hours provides the basic PV2 measurement for the site. For new crossing sites the PV2 is surveyed within 50m on either side of the identified crossing point. But these two PV2 surveys were undertaken at an existing controlled crossing site and only the pedestrian movements at the crossing were recorded. The 2004 survey was undertaken from manual recordings on site and the 2014 survey was undertaken by manual analysis of traffic videos.

We should further clarify that these are the only two PV2 surveys on file; however Devon County Council undertook PV2 assessments pre and post scheme for the two Zebra crossing facilities on the A361 Challoners Road and on the B3231 Saunton Road. This information has been deleted by our Engineering Design Group and we therefore do not hold this information.

A puffin crossing on the A361 Exeter Road south of its junction with Barton Lane and a Toucan Crossing on the A361 west of Chivenor Cross were both installed in conjunction with new development. We do not hold any PV2 surveys for this crossing.

DCC do record vulnerable road user pedestrian crossing demand and this can be taken into consideration for crossing assessments. Additional weighting for vulnerable road user demand can be applied to the PV2; however, Devon County Council does not have a defined policy on this.