Pupil Referral Unit

1. Please can you provide how many primary school pupils attended a Pupil Referral Unit or Alternative Provision in each of the following years: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 (in academic or financial years, however this information is held).

1 a) If possible, please can you also break this down separately to those children aged 5 and under 5.

See table below.

Categories                                   2012/13    2013/14     2014/15      2015/16      2016/17
total primary age pupils 1             20                37               59                 72                78
aged 5                                                 *                   *                 6                    *                   7
under 5                                               *                  0                  *                    *                   *

1 (4 to 10 years as at 31/08 of the academic year)
* indicates that the number of pupils has been withheld due to low numbers, in accordance with the DfE’s policy on confidentiality in published information

2. Please can you provide how many spaces you have available for primary school aged children in a Pupil Referral Unit or Alternative Provision?

Devon County Council does not commission a specific number of AP place for primary, DCC commission 160 AP planned places per year from reception to year 11 inclusive and we therefore do not hold the information you have requested.

3. Please can you provide how many primary school aged children are on a waiting list for a place in a Pupil Referral Unit or Alternative Provision ?

Waiting lists are not held for AP and we therefore do not hold the information you have requested.

4. If possible, please could you provide how long on average a primary school aged child will attend a Pupil Referral Unit or Alternative Provision ?

See table below.

Academic year   Average no of days       Average no of weeks
2012/13              120                                   17.1
2013/14              121                                    17.3
2014/15              88                                     12.6
2015/16              96                                     13.7
2016/17              72                                     10.3

Please note;
 the figures are based on pupils who started and finished within the academic year
 the duration is solely based on the difference between the start and end date and will include Bank Hols, Half Term weeks and any other Holidays (Christmas, Easter).

5. a) Please can you provide how much it costs on average per primary school aged child to attend a Pupil Referral Unit or Alternative Provision for: one week and one month.

Devon County Council does not specifically commission primary places. However, assuming a 38 week term, the cost of an AP place, including planned places, is £596 per week or £1,888 per month (base on 12 months)

b) Please can you provide how much it costs on average per primary school aged child to attend a mainstream primary school for: one week and one month.

The 2017/18 Aged Weighted Pupil Unit (AWPU) of £2,931 is the funding that is given to primary schools currently for each child on roll in primary schools per annum, £77 per week, £244 per month. However, this is not necessarily the actual cost per child incurred by primary schools as they receive additional education needs funding on top of the AWPU, which they will use towards educating pupils.