OFSTED inspection – special educational needs

1. When did DCC receive Ofsted’s inspection letter to parent/carers of children with SEND from Ofsted?

Devon County Council received the draft letter from Ofsted, to be adapted as necessary, to inform parent/carers of children and young people who have special educational needs and disabilities in the local area of the inspection, on Monday 3rd December at 13:57.

2. Exactly which schools in Devon were sent Ofsted’s letter to parent/carers of children with SEND informing them of Ofsted’s inspection of Devon County Council’s local SEND provision (letter dated 5th December 2018)?

Ofsted’s letter to parent/carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities, informing them of the Local Area SEND Inspection, was sent out to Devon schools via;

• The Devon School Communications website on Wednesday 5th December and again on Thursday 6th December. This covers all local authority maintained primary, secondary and special schools, all academy primary & secondary Schools, free schools, pupil referral and secure units.
• Email to all Devon Maintained Special Schools, Hospital School and the Atkinson Secure Unit on Wednesday 5th December 2018 at 11:58
• Email to the 13 early years/school/college settings that the Ofsted/CQC inspectors selected for visits, on Wednesday 5th December 2018. (Bideford College, Newport Primary, Great Torrington School, Petroc College, Ellen Tinkham, Stansfield Academy – Wave Multi-Academy Trust, Manor Primary, Millwater School, Orchard Manor School, Oakwood Court, Cranbrook Education Campus, Vranch House, Newton Abbot Children’s Centre)
• 2011 recipients subscribed to the Early Years and Childcare bulletin, this includes early years providers and settings, on Thursday 6th December at 15:52

In addition, notification was sent to Devon independent providers and settings;

• Through the electronic tendering system on 6th December 16:37 (56 providers)
• Via email on 7th December 08:57 (128 providers)

Notification was also communicated to parent/carers of children and young people with SEND through the following channels;

• Devon Parent Carers Voice (DPCV) email distribution
• Devon Parent Carers’ Voice (DPCV) Parent Ambassadors
• Devon Information Advice & Support Service (DIAS) website
• SEND Local Offer Facebook and Twitter accounts
• Dedicated webpage on the SEND Local Offer webpages

3. How many schools were sent Ofsted’s letter by DCC on 5th December 2018 (the day they received it from Ofsted)? Can DCC confirm how many schools were sent the letter each day from that point on until 11th December 2018?

See response to Question 2.

4. How many parent/carers of children with SEND who have been struck off school rolls due to school-refusing, permanent exclusion from school or being home-educated were sent Ofsted’s letter by DCC? Can DCC confirm how many pupils currently are struck off school registers in Devon, due to the aforementioned reasons?

Parents and Carers of Children and young people with Education health and Care plans who are home educated and registered as such with the local authority were sent email notification of the SEND Inspection on Thursday 6th December. The information was also added to the Babcock LDP Home Education website on Thursday 6th December

Children and young people who have been permanently excluded from school are placed on roll at Wave Multi Academy Trust, an alternative provision. Wave Multi Academy Trust were notified of the inspection via the routes identified in Question 2.

Children unable to attend school due to medical anxiety remain on roll at their present school and medical provision is arranged as suitable to meet their individual needs. Email notification was also sent the Hospital Schools on 5th December 2018 at 11:18.