Number of school crossing officers 2013-2019

I am requesting the following information broken down by financial year since 2013/14 up to and including 2018/19 under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:

1) The total number of school crossing patrol officers (or lollipop people) employed by the council

Please see the table below:

2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018
Female 67 68 61 63 52
Male 30 23 24 24 19
Grand Total 97 91 85 87 71

2) The total budget spent on school crossing support officers

Devon County Council do not employ school crossing support officers, so we do not hold this information. In the alternative, we do employ a School Crossing Patrol Administrator which is a 0.51 FTE role. If you required further information about this role we will be able to assist.

3) The total number of sites school crossing patrol officers operated at

2013/14 – 92 School Crossing Patrol sites
2014/15 – 83 School Crossing Patrol sites
2015/16 – 84 School Crossing Patrol sites
2016/17 – 82 School Crossing Patrol sites
2017/18 – 62 School Crossing Patrol sites
2018/19 – 56 School Crossing Patrol sites

Please note:

• Due to turnover and vacancies within each financial some sites above were staffed (“operated at”) for part of the year and some for the whole year. The figures above relate to a specific point in each financial year, often at the end of the financial year, a calendar year or at the time of the request.
• Some School Crossing Patrol sites are staffed by volunteers from the school community. Due to the nature of the volunteer role and the difficulties experienced by the schools in recruiting and retaining volunteers these crossing sites may not have been be regularly staffed. As these are discretionary sites Devon County Council would not necessarily be informed about gaps in provision.
• There has been a reorganisation this financial year on how some sites are recorded. For example, sites that crossed two roads that were listed separately as two sites have now been listed as one site

4) The details of sites school crossing patrol officers operated in including school name, address and site risk classification

Please see the table attached via the link below for details of sites.

Patrol sites

Further we should clarify that a site risk classification is not carried out so we do not have this information.