Information sharing

We are seeking answers to the following, which we have split into three sections.
In respect of each answer will you please provide the e-mail contact information/job title for the relevant person within your organisation?

1 Empowering staff working in care homes
a. What plans do you have in place to assist staff in care homes so that they can access relevant health and care records and therefore be able to provide better care without needing to resort to hospital admissions?

Devon County Council have no plans for access to health records. More important to in terms of reducing hospital admissions is access to health and social care support when appropriate and an integrated approach to care.

b. What are the current / proposed mechanisms for ensuring effective and efficient transfers of care between NHS and Social Services?

Across Devon and Torbay the CCGs are developing plans for the introduction of NHS email into care homes and other care providers. NHS Digital is working to ensure information flows efficiently and securely across the health and social care system to improve patient and service user outcomes. NHSmail is used by thousands of people working in health and social care to transfer information in a safe and secure manner and is a centrally funded platform with secure and modern email exchange via Microsoft Exchange 2013.
As a system we want to integrate the care provided to people as much as possible. This means that we need to communicate with each other in a secure and safe way. We now have the opportunity to use NHSmail to improve integrated working between health, social care, Local Authorities and the independent sector.
We are supporting providers to join NHSmail. This means that we will be able to transfer information between providers and the hospital, between providers and GPs and between providers themselves easily and securely meaning that you receive information in a more timely manner.
The Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) ( is an online self-assessment tool for data security which supports organisations in demonstrating:
1. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
2. Compliance with the expected data security standards for health and social care for holding, processing or sharing personal data.
3. Readiness to access secure health and care digital methods of information sharing, such as NHSmail
4. Good data security to the CQC as part of the Key lines of Enquiry (KLOEs).

c. What are the current plans for implementing these proposed mechanisms?

The Department for Health and Social Care recommends that all social care providers complete the DSPT as they will hold, process or share personal data. Completing the DSPT is a contractual requirement for those who provide care through the NHS Standard Contract and the Toolkit helps all providers to demonstrate compliance for the GDPR, the CQC and supports information sharing. Once providers have completed the DSPT we will arrange for an NHS email to be issued.

i. Have the required resources been agreed?


2 Barriers to integration of health and social care records
a. How do your staff currently access records from organisation outside of their employer?

DCC and the NHS share data through assured email services and secure remote access services to applications hosted by the other party, through encrypted or otherwise secured communications

b. What are the current / proposed plans to address the current barriers to sharing records?
i. Have you a timeframe for going to market or producing an ITT?
1. If so when?

Devon County Council is working closely with our partners in health as part of the STP Digital roadmap. Please see information available in the Devon STP, link attached.

3 The new Child Health Information System
c. At what stage are you currently in the implementation of this solution?

We have not commenced them.

b. If you have not already commenced, are you going to incorporate education systems into the overall record to achieve a comprehensive view of the child’s needs?

We are considering the proposal to join records