Domestic Abuse Support for Children

1. How many support services do you provide in your local authority for children and young people (aged up to 18) who have lived in a household where domestic abuse has occurred?

1 – Young person’s Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA).

2. Please define the type of support services from the following list, stating how many of each.

a. Children’s centre-specific service – Children’s Centres provide targeted family support for families with children eight years and under where Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA) maybe one of the presenting issues.  However, they do not provide specific programmes for adults experiencing DVA but do provide targeted support to children living in families where DVA is present including tailored creche activities to develop children’s resilience.

The information below relates to services commissioned and funded by Devon County Council. Other support is available from within the community and voluntary sector that is not funded by the council.

b. Specific parenting support for victims to address the needs of children and young people

The IDVAs will provide advice and support to victims who are parents but there is not a dedicated service. From the 1st April 2018, the commissioned service will be delivering:-

6 group sessions of You and Me Mum

6 group sessions of Helping Hands

1 pilot delivery of Caring Dads for 6-8 fathers

c. Counselling or other forms of therapy for children and young people


d. A dedicated children and young people’s service delivered by a domestic abuse service (for example, providing emotional support, group work, activities, after-school or holiday clubs for the children or specific outreach work)


e. Children’s workers at local domestic abuse specialist organisations and services, including refuges


f. Other – please specify


3. How many children and young people (aged up to 18) were referred to support services in your local authority for children and young people who have lived in a household where domestic abuse has occurred, in each of the following financial years?

a. 2010/11 – Information not held.

b. 2015/16 – 235

c. 2016/17 – 873 (due to change in referrals and receiving all Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference – MARAC / Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub – MASH referrals).

4. How many children and young people (aged up to 18) accessed support services in your local authority for children and young people who have lived in a household where domestic abuse has occurred, in each of the following financial years?

a. 2010/11 – Information not held

b. 2015/16 – 219

c. 2016/17 – 145

5. How much money have you spent on the support services in your local authority for children and young people (aged up to 18) who have lived in a household where domestic abuse has occurred in each of the following financial years?

a. 2010/11 – Information not held.

b. 2015/16 – Please see below.  

c. 2016/17 – Please see below.

The contract included support for children and young people but did not break down costs against this for these years. The overall contract value for both years was £825,000.