Devon Pension Fund Real Estate Assets

1) Please provide the full details of what real estate assets the Devon Pension Fund currently invests in, including the name and amounts of each type of real estate asset or investment being held.

This information should be broken down into the different categories, including:  Listed Real Estate securities; Unlisted/Private Real Estate Property Funds/vehicles, companies or CIS; Directly held properties; and (listed/ unlisted) Real Estate Debt Funds/vehicles.

In the case of any unlisted real estate vehicles or real estate debt vehicles, the domicile of the underlying assets should be included.

A full list of all the companies, vehicles, CIS etc in which the Pension Fund invests in or has an outstanding commitment to should be covered in the above question. This list should include the names of each company and the amount invested in each company etc.

Please refer to the spreadsheet provided.  We do not hold a breakdown of the individual listed categories.

2) The current yields of the different investments the pension fund holds.

This information is exempt from disclosure under Section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – ‘Commercial Interests’.  The Council believe that it would prejudice the interests of the Devon County Council Pension Fund and any other investors in the funds concerned if this information were to be released.  The investment yields are market sensitive for the underlying funds, as they provide guidance on the valuation of an investment and this would not be disclosed externally if the asset were to be marketed for sale, as it could affect the eventual sales price that could be achieved.  The Council appreciates that this exemption is subject to the Public Interest Test and is satisfied that the public interest lies in favour of withholding this information at this time.

3) Can you clearly specify the total value of all real estate investments that the Pension Fund holds.

Please refer to the spreadsheet provided.

4) I would like to receive this information in an unlocked excel sheet without protected cells (.xls). If you have to password protect the excel sheet, please can you also provide the password to the excel sheet.

Provided above.

5) Please supply a copy of the Pension Scheme’s latest Statement of Investment Principles and most recent Pension Fund Report & Accounts.

These documents are publicly available on the Peninsula Pensions Website.