Deferred entry for summer born children

In the below request, I refer to summer born children as those born between April 1st and August 31st.

All questions below relate specifically to parental requests for summer born children to be admitted to reception, rather than year one, at the age of 5, ie out of their normal age group.

Questions 1-4 relate to in local authority maintained schools.

1. How many requests for deferred entry in to reception for summer born children were received in each of the following academic years: 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19? Please provide a break down by year.

2016-17: 121
2017-18: 119
2018-19: 62 (to date)

2. How many requests for deferred entry in to reception for summer born children were granted in each of the following academic years: 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19? Please provide a break down by year.

2016-17: 100
2017-18: 96
2018-19: 47 (to date)

3. How many requests for deferred entry in to reception for summer born children were turned down in each of the following academic years: 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19? Please provide a break down by year.

In each of the years requested, the number of requests turned down were fewer than 5; to identify the precise number for each year would risk identifying the applicants concerned. This would be unfair to the applicants and contrary to s.35 of the Data Protection Act 2018. The information is therefore exempt from disclosure pursuant to s.40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

By way of advice and assistance, we can confirm that, in each of the years request, the following number of requests were either turned down or were withdrawn:

2016-17: 20
2017-18: 23
2018-19: 5 (to date)

Further in 2018-19 there remain 10 pending decisions.

4. How many children were required to skip a year later in their education in order to join their normal age group in each of the following academic years: 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19? Please provide a break down by year.

Devon County Council does not hold this information.

5. If possible, please could you provide the same information for schools that are not local authority maintained in your area; for example free schools, academies and voluntary aided schools.

Devon County Council does not hold this information for schools which not maintained schools.

6. How many appeals by parents of summer born children were made to the independent admission appeal panel or through the school complaints procedure between 2016 and 2018? Of these, how many were successful? How many were unsuccessful?

In each of the years requested, the number of appeals were fewer than 5; to identify the precise number for each year would risk identifying the applicants concerned. This would be unfair to the applicants and contrary to s.35 of the Data Protection Act 2018. The information is therefore exempt from disclosure pursuant to s.40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

7. Please provide any further relevant information regarding the council’s policy on deferred school entry of summer born children; for instance whether requests are automatically agreed or parents must present strong evidence.

Further information can be found at: