Councils carbon reduction target, how many electric vehicles, fleet vehicles

1. Please provide full name, contact phone number and e-mail address for the following individuals within your Council:
a. Financial Director

Mary Davis – County Treasurer
Tel:01392 383000

b. Fleet Manager

Paul Edmonds – Passenger Services Manager
Tel; 01392 383000

c. Sustainability Manager

Doug Eltham – Environment and sustainability Policy Officer
Tel; 01392 383000

d. Climate Change Manger


e. Energy Manager

Alastair Mumford – Corporate Energy Manager
Tel; 01392 383000

In the event that c-e above are the same person, then the details of that person only are fine. Most similar title(s) to the roles describes above is also fine.

2. a. How many grey fleet (personal cars used for Council business) do you pay mileage claims for? (most recent years data please).

4060. data year 2016/17

b. How many electric vehicles do you have on your fleet? (most recent years data please).

3. a. What is the Councils carbon reduction target and by when is it to be achieved?

Latest details at – see Energy section

b. What carbon reduction has the Council made to date (most recent year’s data)?

Latest details at – see Greenhouse Gas Report

c. What is the year that this figure/percentage represents?

Latest details at – See Greenhouse Gas Report

d. What is the baseline year that this is based upon?

Latest details at – See Greenhouse Gas Report