Better Care Fund

1. Is the Local Authority the ‘host body’ under local section 75 agreements relating to the BCF?

Yes, Devon County Council is the designated host.

2. What was the total pooled Better Care Fund budget for 2016-17 and 2017-18, including the CCG minimum allocation, grants and additional funding from the CCG or Local Authority?

2016/17: £61,860,013
2017/18: £77,827,906

3. How much from the total pooled Better Care Fund budget was spent on carers’ breaks in 2016-17 and 2017-18?

£462,000 in both financial years.

4. Did your Local Authority provide any funding for carers’ breaks outside of the BCF in 2016-17 and 2017-18?


5. Please send your local Better Care Fund plan for 2017-19

This can be viewed online at:

6. How does the Local Authority inform carers about breaks available to them in the area?

This can be viewed online at:

Further information is made available  through contact with our commissioned provider of carer services, Devon Carers (whose website can be seen at: and  as part of the assessment and support planning process.