Adults in receipt of Direct Payments

Date of Request: 06/09/2016      

Date of Disclosure:

Request and Response

Please find Devon County Council’s response to each of your questions below:

  1. What percentage people living in Devon who are eligible are in receipt of a Direct Payment

Devon County Council cannot say what percentage of people living in Devon who are eligible are in fact obtaining the claim for a Direct Payment.  This requires knowledge of all private medical information of every single person living in Devon.   We therefore confirm that this information is not held by Devon County Council.

We can, in the alternative, confirm that in the financial year 2015/16 there were 1,002 children in receipt of a Direct Payment.

  1. How many people have a current Care Act Assessment

As of 1/12/15, the total was 1,396

  1. How many people living in Devon have a learning disability

As of 1/12/15, the total was 993, of varying degrees.

  1. How many people have a sensory impairment

As of 1/12/15, the total number of instances that a sensory impairment is recorded, and more than one may be attributed to a single person, was 389, of varying degrees.

Further, because the registered numbers are for different sensory impairments, we cannot guarantee that any number of people are not registered for more than one sensory impairment, thus affecting the accuracy of this total.   Beyond the total given above, the only way that this could be clarified would be a manual review of the individual files.   We would estimate that this would take approximately 10 minutes per file and would therefore take approximately 65 hours and is in excess of reasonable limits.

This further clarification is therefore exempt pursuant to s.12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

  1. What is the range of hourly rates paid to social care providers

The amount paid to each to social care providers is a confidential sum, dependent upon the services provided, and is subject to commercial discussions. Disclosure of the sums paid to each social care provider may have an impact on future contracts which may end up causing the Council to obtain less value from future procurement exercises and is therefore commercially sensitive. We therefore consider that this information is exempt from disclosure pursuant to s.43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Whilst the Council recognises that there is a public interest in openness and

transparency, we feel that there is a stronger public interest in ensuring that the

Council is able to obtain the best possible value from future contract negotiations.

We therefore feel that the balance of public interest is best served by withholding

this information from disclosure at this time.

  1. Is a banding system in place for agreed payments

Please refer to our response above concerning s.43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000

  1. How many people with learning disabilities are in Assessment and Treatment Units

Devon County Council does not hold this information.  We would recommend that you approach Clinical Commissioning Groups for this information.

  1. How many have plans to move back to their home area

We would refer you to our response above regarding information held by Clinical Commissioning Groups.