Abuse and violence in schools

I am writing to request information regarding recorded incidents of violence and abuse in schools by pupils in your LEA in the last five years – between September 12, and today’s date.

The information I am requesting is:

a) the number of recorded incidents of verbal abuse or threatening behaviour against staff by pupils, and any recorded outcome such as exclusion, reporting to the police etc.

b) the number of recorded incidents of verbal abuse or threatening behaviour against pupils by pupils, and any recorded outcome.

c) the number of recorded incidents of sexual violence or sexual assault against staff by pupils, and any recorded outcome

d) the number of recorded incidents of sexual violence or sexual assault against pupils by pupils, and any recorded outcome

e) the number of incidents of physical violence against staff by pupils and any recorded outcome

f) the number of incidents of physical violence against pupils by pupils and any recorded outcome

g) the number of weapons seized and the type of weapon seized where recorded.
Where possible I’d like to have the incidents reported separately by pre-school centres of education, primary schools, secondary schools, six form colleges and special schools.

Devon County Council do not hold this information in these categories and therefore do not hold any information.    It may be that individual schools hold their own recorded information which can be obtained by approaching the schools direct.  Details of schools in Devon can be found from our website at:


Further statistical information is published by the Department of Education and can be seen via this link:
