Potholes 2017 – 2018

Please could you provide me with the following information regarding potholes and road defects: 

The total number of potholes within the local authority area is impossible to determine. Whilst we can provide the below figures, which represent the number of potholes picked up during routine safety inspections and those reported by members of the public, the number of reports alone does not reflect the actual number of potholes because some potholes will be reported multiple times, some reports will be of multiple potholes, some reports will be of defects that do not meet the national criteria, and some reports refer to defects on roads or car parks that are not within this Council’s jurisdiction.  

The number of potholes reported within your council area in 2017 & 2018 (to date), broken down by calendar year 

01 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 – 43473

Devon County Council record the figure in financial years 

The number of potholes repaired within your council area in 2017 & 2018 (to date), broken down by calendar year 

01 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 – 43473

Devon County Council record the figure in financial years 

The total amount of money spent by your council on fixing potholes in 2017 & 2018 (to date), broken down by year 

2017 – 18: £3.42 million* 

*This figure is 54% of the actual safety defect spend, this is a typical percentage spent on pothole repairs in previous years. This is again due to a change in contractor and the way safety defects repairs are invoiced.  

The total amount of money spent by your council in 2017 & 2018 (to date), broken down by year, on paying compensation to claimants who have made vehicle damage report claims due to potholes and road defects 

2017 – 2018: £84,332  

The minimum depth and width (in inches or cm) a reported pothole must be in order to be recorded as a pothole by your council 

Please refer to page 9 of the Highways Inspection Manual Further information can be found on our report a pothole page. 

See  2017/2018 budget Road Resurfacing, pages 74/75 for further information.